User guide

Using Vagrant

All the following commands must be run from the project root directory.

To start the development environment

vagrant up

To stop the development environment

vagrant halt

To remove the development environment

Use with caution this will delete all the files in your development environment.

vagrant destroy

Rebuilding the development environment

Updating the project

To get all the latest improvements you’ll want to update from time to time; to update the project directory run the following command from the project root directory:

git pull

Destroying the development environment

Before you can rebuild your development environment you have to destroy your current one; make sure all your files your important files have been backed up to the persistent disk before rebuilding your virtual machine; you can find the persistent copies of your files under /var/persistent/home/dev.

When you’re ready to destroy the development environment, run the following command from the project root directory:

vagrant destroy

Recreating the development environment

This is the same as provisioning for the first time.

Run the following command from the project root directory:

vagrant up
